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AG Insurance - Vivay
AG Insurance - Vivay Voici les videos faites pour le lancement de "Vivay", les nouveaux produits lancés par les assurances AG. J'ai fait le développement visuel, les illustrations et les animations. Here are the videos for "Vivay", the new products for...
Style Frames - Bundle
Usually, before starting an animation, we send the client a storyboard and a style frame. So he can have an idea about the storytelling and the graphic style.This style frame usually displays some characters and a background, or anything that could give...
Hoyo est un studio de communication regroupant plusieurs pôles d'activités (graphisme, illustration, animation, traduction visuelle); et dont je m'occupe du pôle animation. Je me suis occupée de développer de nouvelles illustrations et animations pour...
8th continent
8th continent Works made for a game called « the 8th continent »: first the concept design of a stage, then its modeling and finally the end result in the interactive theater. Travaux faits pour le jeu « le 8ème continent », d’abord le concept design...
EuPC - Plastic use
EuPC - Plastic use J'ai fait plusieur videos pour EuPC, sur l'utilisation du plastique. Avant de commencer ces animations j'ai fait plusieurs recherches pour trouver leur personnage I made a serie of videos for EuPC, about the use of plastic. I first...
Desperados Here are displayed some pictures of the environments made for « Desperados », a game made for interactive theaters. I made a few concept designs, then de modeling and texturing along with the team. Voici des images des décors créés pour le...
Alimentarium: Product’s transformation
Alimentarium: Product’s transformation If you want to know more about the exhibition, go back to this article Si vous voulez en savoir plus l'exposition, revenez lire cet article Programmation: Xavier Wielemans (Tiny Big Story) In this part of the exhibition,...
Hang Ten! - Skybox
Hang Ten! - Skybox If you want to know more about the game and the exhibition, go back to this article Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le jeu ou l'exposition, revenez lire cet article Digital painting of the sky in the game. In fact, the texture is...
Little Spirou
Little Spirou Background illustrations made for the cartoon « Little Spirou ». Dessins de décors réalisés pour le dessin animé « le petit Spirou ».
Country or not Country?
Country or not Country? Illustrations made for a CD booklet. The first illustration shows a few sheep in the countryside. A hole has been cut out to show the sheep underneath. When the booklet opens, the sheep appears in an urban polluted environment....
Hang Ten! - Interface
Hang Ten! - Interface If you want to know more about the game and the exhibition, go back to this article Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le jeu ou l'exposition, revenez lire cet article Here are a few of the graphic contents that I made for this game....
Animations I made for Childfocus: a Belgian organization that fights for children's rights.Visual development, illustrations and animation. Here's one of the animations I did for Childfocus: a belgian organization that fight for children right. Visual...
Alimentarium: Recipe
Alimentarium: Recipe If you want to know more about the exhibition, go back to this article Si vous voulez en savoir plus l'exposition, revenez lire cet article Programmation: Xavier Wielemans (Tiny Big Story) For this animation, we had to explain a classic...
Reel Outro
3D is so fun! Little animation that you can see at end my motionreel. When I rendered the different passes for the compositing, I just loved the look of this shadow layer! Below, images and animation from the shadow layer and the final animation.
Music Video - 3D work
I did the 3D part on this video clip that merges 2D and 3D techniques.Most of the 3D elements have a 2D look to blend in. Here's a [very] short selection of the 3D shots I like: I did the 3D part on a music video clip that merges 2D and 3D animation. Here's...
C&A animation For this animation I did the visual development, illustrations & animation. Production & sound design made by Seeq. (
For this animation I did the visual development, illustrations and animation. Production by
Hang Ten! - Expo Jeu Video
Hang Ten! - Expo Jeu Video Interactive game made for the exhibition « Video Game » at the "Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie" in Paris. This game called « Hang Ten ! » is an aquatic surf game in which no avatar appears: the user is directly immerged...
Bernie, come back!
It's been a long time since I wanted to experiment with new techniques and approach stop-motion. It's now done thanks to this animation made with Marc Cheval (aka Flavien sans R). The decor is made of paper, the camera movement is done frame by frame...
Hang Ten! - Underwater
Hang Ten! - Underwater If you want to know more about the game and the exhibition, go back to this article Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le jeu ou l'exposition, revenez lire cet article By the end of the game, a big wave put all the players underwater...
Centre éolien de St Nazaire
Centre éolien de St Nazaire On m'a demandé de faire 3 videos d'animation pour le centre éolien Eol qui ouvre à St Nazaire. Ces 3 animations sont au tout début du parcours du visiteur, et chacune explique comment l'homme a utilisé les vents à travers l'histoire....
BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas On m'a demandé une animation un peu différente pour BNP Paribas, qui devait être plus graphique car l'animation explique des procédés abstraits. This video for BNP Paribas is a bit different, it has to be more graphic than what I'm used to...
Birthday Hang'Art
Birthday Hang'Art Animation que j'ai faite à l'occasion des 3 ans du Hang'art, lieu de travail partagé par des artistes. Cette video a fait la promotion de cette journée sur les réseaux sociaux. I made this animation for the three-years anniversary of...
Enjoy Summer
Animation for a studio that wishes a "happy summer" to all its customers and followers. Character design: Animation frames:
The Story of Dreamfarm
The Story of Dreamfarm I made this animation for the Dreamfarm company's anniversary. ( I did the visual development, illustrations & animation.